8 demeures d’écrivains

Album "8 demeures d'écrivains" de Roland Kern

Composed in 8 residences in the Centre Val de Loire region, where Sand, Rabelais, Balzac, Ronsard, Proust, Audoux and Fournier lived (2022-2023)

To listen to it, please choose your streaming platform (if you are not registered on any platform, please choose You Tube).

CD + wave + mp3 digital files14,90 € + frais de port
Sheet music in pdf19,90 €
Also available in the boutiques of writers’ residences

Album 5

Emblematic places

With the support of the association écrivain au centre, the DRAC centre Val-de Loire and the SACEM

Song titles

Musée Rabelais (Maison de la Devinière)
Musée Balzac (Château de Saché)
Maison de Georges Sand
Maison école du grand Meaulnes (Alain Fournier)
Musée Marcel Proust (Maison de Tante Léonie)
Prieuré Saint Cosme et Manoir de la Possonnière
Musée Marguerite Audoux

the albums

the single

Order the "8 demeures d'écrivains" album


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