Les pyrénées

Album "les Pyrénées" de Roland Kern
Composed in the Pyrenees and recorded in Saint Savin Abbey (2021)

To listen to it, please choose your streaming platform (if you are not registered on any platform, please choose You Tube).

CD + wave + mp3 digital files14,90 € + frais de port
Sheet music in pdf19,90 €

Album 1

Themes & emblematic places

Also available in the shop at the Château Fort-Musée Pyrénéen in Lourdes and at Saint-Savin Abbey (65)

Song titles

Breche de Roland
Cirque de Gavarnie
Grange de Holle
Pic du midi
Pont d'Espagne
Réserve de Neouvielle

the albums

the single

Order the "les Pyrénées" album


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